72 hours to gather your superpowers: an amazing offer from andrea scher

In light of it being the new year (just go with me on this), I'm thrilled to announce this AMAZING offer from my friend Andrea Scher:  the Superhero herself has put together a Superhero Bundle! This is a collection of ebooks and online courses from some of the most amazingly positive minds on the internet (many of whom I'm proud to call friends) -- needless to say, I'm honoured to be a part of it.   The bundle includes ebooks and journal prompts and art instruction and ecourses and so much more from the following twelve people:

1. Vivienne McMaster: Your Beloved Camera E-book
2. Marianne Elliott: 10 Big Ideas for Putting Courage to Action
3. Kelly Rae Roberts: Flying Lessons: Tips + Tricks to Help Your Creative Business Soar
4. Jen Louden: The Satisfaction Finder
5. Lacy Young: Sweet Surrender: A 10 Day Sugar Detox
6. Karen Walrond (that's me!): Field Notes: A Concise Guide to Finding Your Life's Light
7. Pixie Campbell: Boundaries Bootcamp
8. Mati Rose McDonough: Daring Adventures in Collage: Self-Guided course
9. Andrea Scher: Treasure Hunt: 30 Days of Photo Joy
10. Anna Guest-Jelley: Permission to Curve: E-book + Video LIbrary
11. Laurie Wagner: 27 Powers Writing Prompts
12. Susannah Conway: The Sacred Alone




The good news:  

This entire bundle of goodness, worth over $800, is now available for only $99.  This is an INCREDIBLE steal -- some amazing goodness right here.


The bad news: 

 All this awesome is only available for 72 hours -- until midnight Friday, September 26th, 2014.  Then each person's offering returns to their normal pricing.


You can click here to learn more.  Friends, this is definitely worth looking onto -- these folks are real heroes of mine.  If you've been on the fence about taking any of the courses or purchasing any of the offerings of these great folks, now's seriously the time.